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for Selection and Development

Tests of specific ability, applied reasoning,

role aptitude and general mental ability


State-of-the-art ability and aptitude tests, based on centuries

of research, for today's selection and development challenges

Image of how ability and aptitude assessments test cognitive working of the mind

The assessment of mental, or reasoning ability is one of the oldest areas of research interest in psychology, going back to the work of Sir Francis Galton in the late 1800s. and Binet and Spearman in the early 1900s.


Spearman developed the idea of general mental ability, or 'g', explaining why people who performed well in one intellectual domain (e.g. science) also tend to performwell in other domains  (e.g. languages, mathematics, etc.).


This research has been applied  in occupational psychology to candidate selection, with Schmidt & Hunter's (1998) review of 85 years of research concluding that reasoning tests can predict up to 51% of job performance and up to 56% of trainability, particularly in professional and managerial roles.

"A comprehensive range of reasoning tests for use in selection, career guidance and coaching

and development, including traditional measures (GRT1, GRT2 and CRTB2), computer adaptive measures (Adapt-G) and role-specific assessments such as the Clerical (CTB) and Technical (TTB) test batteries."

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Sample reports on product details

TTB Cover
IRT Cover
GRT1 Cover
General Reasoning Test
CRTB2 Cover
CTB2 Cover
Adapt G Cover

Details & Reports

Ordering, Qualifications & Training

CALL or EMAIL us today to discuss your assessment, training, coaching or

consultancy needs with one of our consulting psychology team +353 1 443 4438.

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