The internationally-recognised, industry-standard, certification in psychometric testing for selection and development, accredited by the British Psychological Society


"I had the pleasure of attending the Psychometrix Occupational Testing course to gain further expertise and the license to practice a wider range of psychometrics;
I was more than happy and would recommend them to anyone".
Cher Engerer, Clinical Psychology Director & Founder, Polaris, Malta
​The Certificate of Competence
in Occupational Testing,
Ability and Personality (TUOAP)
accredited by
the British Psychological Society (BPS)
Occupational assessments enable you to screen candidates to make effective selection decisions,
as well as providing career and performance coaching support to leaders, teams and front-line staff.
This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to use test effectively for assessment of ability, aptitude and personality, including: Critical thinking; career interests; personality traits, personality
type emotional Intelligence and motivational values.
What you will learn
Module 1: The Context of Assessment and Development
Ethics: Duty of Care, Scope/Limits, Accreditation, Ethical/Legal, Insurance, Contracts, Confidentiality, GDPR. Client Suitability: Informed Consent, Language, Literacy, Technology, Accommodations.
Module 2: Varieties of Tests and Test Administration
Types of Tests: IQ, Ability, Aptitude, Attainment, Careers, Personality. Test Adminsitration: Modes of Testing; Pre-test Issues; Test Materials; Venue; Candidate Preparation; Administration.
Module 3: Scoring, Feedback and Reporting
Ability and careers test administration, scoring, feedback and reporting practicals. Scoring and Interpretation (Scores - z-scores, IQ/Standard, Stens, Stanines, T-Scores, %iles); Feedback Preparation and Interview. Report Writing: Context; Results; Interpretation; Implications; Recommendations.
Module 4: Choosing and Accessing Tests
Choosing Tests: Normative, Criterion, Ipsative, IRT; Sampling, Reliability, Validity, Error & Bias; Test Evaluation. Accessing Tests: Test Reviews; Print & Online; Suppliers - Qualification & Test Access.
Module 5: Ethics, Best Practice and Legislation
Ethical/Legal Compliance: Candidates Rights, Legal Obligations, GDPR, Organisational Testing Policy.
Module 6: Personality Assessment for Selection, Development and Coaching
Personality traits (15FQ/16PF/NEO); Myers & Briggs Personality Type (JTI, Golden Profile); Emotional Intelligence (EIQ, MDQ); and Motivational Values (VbIM; VAL). View Sample Reports below.


*BPS: visit British Psychological Society I Download BPS Qualifications Brochure
Delegates on this course work in:
Candidate Selection
Recruitment & Outplacement
Career Guidance & Career Coaching
Personal and Professional Coaching
Organisational Development
Lifespan Development Coaching
Life and Wellbeing Coaching
Psychology, Counselling & Psychotherapy
Management & Supervision
Benefits of our course:
Certificate and Diploma fully accredited
by the Association for Coaching
Occupational and Forensic Testing training
accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS)
Access to hundreds of world's leading tests from
The most competitive fees available for this training
Tutors are Occupational and Coaching Psychologists
Flexible classroom & online learning
Your personal, dedicated e-Learning account
CLASSROOM (3 x 7 hrs.)
Radisson St. Helens, Dublin
Wednesday - Friday, 9.30-17.00.
​February 5th, 6th & 7th
April 2nd, 3rd & 4th
July 16th, 17th & 18th
October 15th, 16th & 17th
December 4th, 5th & 6th
ZOOM (8 x 2 hrs.)
Tuesday, 19.00-21.00 GMT
4th February - 1st April
6th May- 1st July
9th September - 4th November
Course Fees not inclusive of BPS registration fees
Call our support team to discuss registration and payment options on +353 1 443 4438
How can we help?
CALL or EMAIL us today to discuss your coaching, psychometrics or selection
training needs with one of our consulting psychology team +353 1 443 4438.