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The Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing

(CCET) the assessment of IQ, ability, attainment and neurodevelopment

The British Psychological Society (BPS) standards in psychometrics testing training




Educational testing for assessment of neurodiversity, learning support, access arrangements and exam exemptions

"Enrolling in the Certificate in Competence in Educational Testing (CCET) program
offered online by Psychometrix was a pivotal decision for me. I am immensely grateful for the expertise and encouragement I received throughout the program."

Feliciano Thorpe, Lecturer in Psychology, Jamaica

​The Certificate of Competence
in Educational Testing (CCET)
accredited by
the British Psychological Society (BPS)


This qualification gives you the professional training you need to become a qualified test user and join the Register of Qualifications in Test Use (RQTU). With this you can buy and use tests of ability, attainment and neuro-development for use in educational and learning support. Our course trains and gives you access to tests in three key areas of educational assessment: Ability (CAT4), Attainment (WRAT-5, WIAT-3T) and Neuro-development (ADD, Dyslexia).



                                                 What you will learn


Module 1: The Context of Assessment and Development

Ethics: Duty of Care, Scope/Limits, Accreditation, Ethical/Legal, Insurance, Contracts, Confidentiality, GDPR. Client Suitability: Informed Consent, Language, Literacy, Technology, Accommodations.


Module 2: Varieties of Tests and Test Administration

Types of Tests: IQ, Ability, Aptitude, Attainment, Careers, Personality. Test Adminsitration: Modes of Testing; Pre-test Issues; Test Materials; Venue; Candidate Preparation; Administration.


Module 3: Scoring, Feedback and Reporting

Ability, aptitude and attainment test administration, scoring, feedback and reporting practicals. Scoring and Interpretation (Scores - z-scores, IQ/Standard, Stens, Stanines, T-Scores, %iles); Feedback Interview. Report Writing: Context; Results; Interpretation; Implications; Recommendations.


Module 4: Choosing and Accessing Tests

Choosing Tests: Normative, Criterion, Ipsative, IRT; Sampling, Reliability, Validity, Error & Bias; Test Evaluation. Accessing Tests: Test Reviews; Print & Online; Suppliers - Qualification & Test Access.


Module 5: Ethics, Best Practice and Legislation

Ethical/Legal Compliance: Candidates Rights, Legal Obligations, GDPR, Organisational Testing Policy.

The Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing  (CCET) the assessment of IQ, ability, attainment and neurodevelopment




The Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing  (CCET) the assessment of IQ, ability, attainment and neurodevelopment




      *BPS: visit British Psychological Society          I   Download BPS Qualifications Brochure


Delegates on this course work in:


  • Educational Academic Assessment

  • Neuro-developmental Assessment

  • Special Needs Assessment

  • Learning Support

  • Reasonable Accommodations in Exams

  • Access Arrangements in Education

  • Career Guidance & Career Coaching

  • Lifespan Development Coaching

  • Psychology, Counselling & Psychotherapy



Benefits of our course:


  • The knowledge and skills to use test for:

  • Assessment of Educational/Learning Needs & Potential;

  • Identification of Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia; ADD);

  • Identification of Behavioural and Social Difficutlties;

  • Assessment for Reasonable Accommodations in Exams;

  • Access Arrangements (WIAT II-T; WRAT 5; WRIT);

  • Disabled Student Allowance (CTOPP2, DASH/DASH17+);

  • Career Guidance, Educational Coaching & Counselling.



CLASSROOM (2 x 7 hrs.)

Radisson St. Helens, Dublin

Tuesday & Wednesday, 9.30-17.00.

  • February 4th & 5th

  • April  1st & 2nd

  • July 15th & 16th

  • October 14th & 15th

  • December 3rd & 4th

ZOOM (8 x 2 hrs.)

Tuesday, 19.00-21.00 GMT

  • 4th February - 11th March

  • 6th May- 10th June

  • 9th Sept. - 14th October

Course Fees not inclusive of BPS registration fees


Call our support team to discuss registration and payment options on +353 1 443 4438

How can we help?

CALL or EMAIL us today to discuss your coaching, psychometrics or selection

training needs with one of our consulting psychology team +353 1 443 4438.

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